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V. Scott Holmgren

Profile Updated: December 3, 2024
V. Scott Holmgren
V. Scott Holmgren


V. Scott Holmgren


V. Scott Holmgren


Yes! Attending Reunion
Residing In
Lansing, MI USA
Landscape Architect - Urban Planner

To catch you up a bit...
Originally from Edina, Minnesota. I've been part of numerous development and organizational teams since graduation from Edina East in '75. I was employed with the State of Minnesota - Environmental Quality Board and the University of Minnesota – Campus Development I created several programs including the Govenor's Design Team now known as the Minnesota Design Team. I worked for several cities from St. Peter to St. Paul - in each, I established popular community development programs. Some of these included design, planning, economic development, transportation and recreational ventures, and historic preservation initiatives. In 1986 just before relocating to Michigan, I formed Innovative Land Design Associates a land development consulting and coaching firm.

I studied at the University of Minnesota in landscape architecture, civil engineering and land surveying. Later in Michigan, I studied for my master's in urban planning at Wayne State University in Detroit and urban design and economic development at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. After graduating from college, I taught at Lawrence Tech University and Michigan State University in planning, design, and development. In addition to teaching and operating my business, my interests have involved providing for housing needs through several Habitat for Humanity and renovation of existing structures, addressing sustainability LEED efforts.

School Story

Oh, the pranks we used to play on some of our (poor?) teachers... For instance:

When Mrs. Nelson (our typing teacher) was out we threw the typewriters out the window or made paper airplanes out of the assignments (which also went...out the window too!

In band class in 9th, we often skipped class by ducking out the windows at the top of the rehearsal room (in the back)...

Then there was the time when we hid Bob Elledge's baton which he used for directing us or the time we goofed up the layout for marching on his board for the halftime show,

Then there was 'Fisher's Film Festivals' (movies in his economics class) where we switched out the films or skipped out,

Then there was ...? (you get the gist?)

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Posted: Jun 22, 2015 at 3:53 PM
Posted: Jun 22, 2015 at 3:56 PM
Posted: Jun 22, 2015 at 3:49 PM